How to choose tiles for a restaurant or commercial premises?

If it is true that our sense of taste begins with sight, then at a restaurant pleasure begins as soon as you walk in the door. The design is the first meeting point between the business and its customers, and this is why choosing the most suitable tiles for a restaurant can make a huge difference.
The design and fit-out – above all in the cultural imagination encouraged by recent trends – becomes an integral part of the experience, an essential requirement for all businesses. There is no genuinely elegant restaurant which does not exude refinement in its wall and floor coverings; there is not a lounge bar in existence which is not also audacious in its choice of walls and floor finishes. Taste, in the art of catering and hospitality, starts out from a good taste in interior design.

A restaurant’s tiles are a key ingredient in communicating its identity and conveying its atmosphere, an aesthetic which reaches deeper than the surfaces they cover and influences the way the space is perceived and experienced. It is therefore an important commercial choice, to be considered starting out from two main characteristics – two values of which EmilAmerica has been a key promoter since its foundation – expressive potential and technical performance. Porcelain stoneware tiles for restaurants offer infinite stylistic possibilities, a rich and eclectic assortment which can adapt to any type of business, from the wood effect of a down-to-earth bistro, or the industrial spirit of a city cocktail bar, through to majolica in an oceanside restaurant. Every flavor is accompanied by the most suitable surface finish.
Porcelain stoneware tiles for restaurants bring out the most in the atmosphere, while at the same time satisfying the most restrictive technical requirements. When we think about designing restaurant floors , it is the performance of the material which takes the lead role. Porcelain stoneware tiles are resistant to wear, impact damage, and heavy foot traffic; they are naturally hygienic, easy to clean, do not absorb liquids, and are anti-slip. Safe, hygienic, durable: the key characteristics of the best tiles for restaurants and other commercial premises. 

Restaurant kitchen tiles: trends and functionality

It is the heart of any restaurant, the space where action and creativity come together. These are the evocative perceptions referenced by commercial kitchen tiles. It is an unusual working atmosphere, in which functionality becomes the absolute priority. At the same time, the kitchen is the creative domain of the chefs. A quotidian practice of flair and passion, a precious gesture to be celebrated in the surface finishes, too. The best restaurant kitchen tiles are able to combine these different requirements: communicating with the imagination and flair of the gastronomic offering, satisfying the strictest standards of hygiene and safety, while being comfortable and functional during preparation of the food. It is an arduous challenge, which porcelain stoneware meets hands down. There are numerous factors which can damage floor and wall finishes, from burners, knives, and splashes, to steam. Porcelain stoneware tiles are quick to clean, and resistant to scratches and impact damage; they are non-slip, and are not affected by humidity, thermal shock, or high temperatures. A guarantee of quality, each and every sitting.

How to choose restaurant kitchen floor tiles

Good intentions in terms of safety and practicality start with the floors. When choosing commercial kitchen floor tiles, it is essential to demand technical performance which can respond to the stresses and environmental factors that the surface will be subjected to on a daily basis. Porcelain stoneware tiles are not only very easy to clean, but they require no particular maintenance – they are also the best solution for creating commercial kitchen floors with non-slip properties which are resistant to all stains and any unexpected problems. The technical performance required of such a complex environment as a professional kitchen would make the use of a delicate surface finish such as wood unthinkable. Thanks to cutting-edge ceramics technology, it is possible to create flooring which remains faithful to natural materials – with precise and accurate realism – without giving up on the excellent technical quality provided by modern ones. Mimesis by Emilceramica is the perfect example of this. This collection promises complete fidelity to the rustic naturalness of oak. The gaze investigating the details of the grain, fingers running over the curves of the knots, ancestral sensory perceptions incorporated within modern design. The four warm and soft variations (Avorio, Ecru, Miele and Tabacco) bring the color and warmth of wood into the most unexpected locations.

The aesthetics of the modern café: how to choose the right café floor tiles

You only need the time it takes to drink an espresso shot to fully take in the atmosphere of a café or coffee shop. The temperature, the ambience – the first responses all come from the café tiles. Cafés and coffee shops are places for meeting up and socializing, where the aesthetics play a leading role. They are often the first places where new design trends play out before they make their way to the residential sector. Cafés represent the avantgarde of the design field, where acceptance can be measured, and audacious tastes tried out.
The finishes of the ice-cream parlor in the heart of Murcia are the perfect example of this, with its design (by Studio Lemon) putting creativity and originality center stage. The Medley tiles are the main ingredient of a design idea which aims to convey the colors and softness of the ice cream on sale; the sweetness of the finishes is the perfect frame for the taste experience. Its thematic adaptability and versatility are the main strengths of Medley by Ergon. This range – a great inspiration when choosing restaurant floor tiles – features the Minimal, Classico, Rock and Pop versions for a multi-faceted offering to find the perfect atmosphere for any premises. Six colors for a collection which reinterprets the stylistic bent of concrete and Venetian Terrazzo to reach unprecedented heights of design freedom. A lively geometry in continual evolution, an alphabet of patterns and colors, interlocking effects and sizes to write a new aesthetic of audacious tastes.

From café tiles to modern countertops: innovation is not just in the furnishings

Design taste is a focus which takes in all the surface finishes of a premises. From café tiles to the bar tops; from the walls to the countertops. Every finish becomes a theater of styles and influences, a design occasion to grasp intrepidly. If mix-and-match is an expressive must for commercial premises, Unique Marble by Provenza is ready to provide a master class in uniqueness. If we are in search of a high-impact aesthetic solution in porcelain stoneware for the countertops and finishes of a commercial premises, then this is the perfect collection. Five of the most popular marbles in the world – a stone made eternal in sculptural and architectural perfection – meet the contemporary irreverence of resin. A textural pairing which breaks all the rules. Just marble, just resin or Ambra decor: from the pure white Paonazzetto to the scenographic Sahara Noir, marble is immersed in resin and at the same time takes a dive into the avantgarde of design. The bar, after all, has always been the preferred place for the most unexpected and passionate meetings.

19 October 2022


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