The art of upcycling: how to match coverings to vintage scrap materials

If you're fascinated by the art of furnishing and wish to give your home a distinctive touch, you might already have considered integrating vintage scrap elements into your interior design. Scrap materials offer an excellent opportunity to infuse character and charm without compromising functionality.

Today, we'll explore various strategies for matching coverings with your vintage treasures, providing insights to create a unique and personal style for your home environment thanks to the art of upcycling.

How to style rooms with recycled elements?

Integrating vintage furniture into your decor can be a fascinating and rewarding challenge. It's not just about placing a vintage piece among modern furnishings but creating a cohesive and harmonious environment that skillfully blends past and present in the style of your home.

Here are some ideas to style rooms with recycled elements:

  • Style Mix: Don't be afraid to mix different styles. A contemporary living room can welcome a restored vintage sofa, while a modern kitchen can be enlivened by vintage dining chairs. The key is to balance contrasts harmoniously, creating a unique and personal look.
  • Creative Restoration: Often, vintage furniture needs a bit of love and care. Invest time in creative restoration, repairing any damage and breathing new life into old pieces. You can paint or refinish furniture according to your personal taste, creating unique and original pieces.
  • Focal Point: Use a vintage piece of furniture as the room's focal point. It could be an imposing old wardrobe, a decorated chest of drawers, or a credenza with a unique design. Position it strategically and let it become the room's center of attention.
  • Accessorize: Accessories are crucial for completing the vintage look. Add decorative details such as vintage lamps, antique mirrors, vintage frames, and retro furnishing fabrics. These small accents can radically transform the appearance of a room, adding warmth and personality.
  • Material Mix: Experiment with a variety of materials to create an interesting and dynamic look. Combine wood, metal, glass, and fabrics to add depth and texture to your decor. For example, a rustic wood palette can be balanced by shiny metal elements and glass finishes.
  • Vintage Art: Enhance your decor with vintage artworks. Paintings, prints, photographs, and sculptures can add character to your home's walls. Look for pieces that reflect your interests and personality, creating a home art gallery that tells your story.

3 Ideas for matching house coverings with recycled objects

In interior design, using scrap materials provides an unparalleled opportunity to create unique and personalized environments. Away from standardized trends, incorporating these materials gives character, authenticity, and sustainability to our living spaces.

Imagine cladding walls with old wooden pallets or reclaimed boards, creating a rustic and enveloping texture. These coverings transform spaces into cozy and evocative settings, inviting relaxation and sharing. Alternatively, consider transforming old wooden ladders into original shelving or bookcases. Positioned against a wall or used as a divider between spaces, these structures add a touch of rustic and industrial charm, in addition to providing space to display books and personal items.

Let's not forget about furniture and decorative accessories. With a bit of creativity and craftsmanship, we can transform old furniture and objects into unique and personalized pieces. Paint, refinish, decorate - the possibilities are endless. Even lighting can become an opportunity for creative expression.

Finally, let's consider floors and coverings. Old bricks, stone slabs, or reclaimed tiles can transform a space, giving it an aura of history and authenticity. Among Emilgroup's collections, Sixty and Chateau best celebrate the concept of innovating elements from the past: the former was created in honor of Emilgroup's sixtieth anniversary, celebrating a return to the origins and the very essence of the primary material, clay. Its reinterpretation results in a series of sophisticated and elegant creations, where the raw and primordial earth reveals its beauty through essential shapes, chromatic tones, and textures that emerge in the light. The surfaces of Sixty are enriched with new material effects, amplifying tactile perception. Available in the Fondo and Timbro versions, this collection offers a wide range of compositional options and technical advantages perfect for pairing with a timeless recycled decor.

Chateau, on the other hand, is the collection inspired by Burgundy Natural Stone, a stone that has left an indelible mark on French architectural history. Characterized by light and irregular traces, this collection is available in four refined contemporary shades, reinterpreting architectural trends with an exclusive and impeccable style. The chromatic variations conceal the robustness of a ceramic material with high technical performance, making this collection a symbol of refinement and durability, a perfect match for your upcycled materials.

A more sustainable life by buying furniture at thrift stores

The quest for quality vintage items is an exciting journey filled with rewards. You can start your search for a more sustainable life by exploring antique markets, rich in a wide selection of furniture, decorative objects, and accessories from past eras. Other valuable sources are specialized vintage shops, where experts select and restore authentic pieces. Auction sales offer a unique opportunity to acquire desirable pieces from private collections and family inheritances. Online platforms like Facebook Marketplace or eBay are full of offers, allowing you to communicate directly with sellers and filter the search by category and geographical location. Don't underestimate local flea markets and garage sales, where you might find surprising discoveries at affordable prices.

Once you've identified the desired vintage pieces through various sources, it's essential to integrate them harmoniously into the home environment, creating a balanced fusion between old and new. Collections like Be-Square and Unique Travertine offer high-quality materials that can be expertly matched with vintage elements to create a unique and evocative atmosphere. Be-Square celebrates the most essential and pure aspect of concrete, embellished by decorated cement tiles and majolica that lend a vintage touch to any environment, matching precisely with your antique furnishings. These materials can be used for floors, walls, or decorative details, adding depth and character to spaces. On the other hand, Unique Travertine offers a harmonious fusion between the classic essence of travertine and contemporary design innovation. Its versatility allows it to adapt to both traditional and more bold and experimental styles, facilitating easy integration with the chosen vintage furniture. Even using Unique Travertine for floors or coverings can provide an elegant frame for vintage furniture or antique objects, creating an environment that blends past and present in a refined and appealing way. This way, home decor becomes a complex and meaningful artwork, where every element contributes to telling a unique and personal story.

Integrating vintage scrap elements into your interior design is an excellent way to add personality and character to your home. From furniture to accessories, scrap materials offer endless creative possibilities to create a unique and original style. With a bit of research and imagination, it's possible to transform every space into a cozy and charming haven.

17 May 2024


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